KTM Resources
Dirt bikes are meant to test the limits and up the adrenaline. While they are definitely meant for fun and speed, safety should never be overlooked.
As a responsible owner, you know there are certain elements of maintenance that are non-negotiable to a healthy bike. When it comes to changing the oil, every owner knows how imperative this task is to how the bike runs.
If you own a dirt bike, you are probably familiar with how hard it is to make a tight turn without the right set up. While the overall ability to navigate tight spaces is usually a mix of riding skill, set up, and design, there is also something called a steering stop which plays a big role.
A dirt bike is a lot of fun when you want to test your riding skill and nerves. Made for top speeds and performing tricks, these bikes are anything but ordinary.
As the owner of a bike, you probably take great pride in updating your ride to perform the way you want. A lot of riders are known for tricking out their bike in all sorts of ways to meet their preferences from the grips to a particular set of tires.
As one of the most exciting sports on two wheels, motocross continues to capture new fans with every passing generation. From the jumps and thrills to the speed of the competition of coming in first place, there is plenty to love about this sport.
Have you decided to invest in a new dirt bike? Picking out a dirt bike on your own can be very difficult, especially if you have limited experience or knowledge of the sport.
Although dirt biking now represents a billion-dollar industry, the history of dirt bikes can be traced back to more than a century ago. As with many inventions, the development of the dirt bike can be largely attributed to evolution.
When it comes to dirt bikes, not all engines are created equal. In fact, the debate between two-stroke and four-stroke engines is one that has tormented riders for many years. You may be wondering which type of engine is best, but the truth is that there is no clear choice.
A dirt bike is a great way to get out and test your skill with a bit of speed and adrenaline. When you are just starting out as a newer rider, it can be intimidating at first to tackle this beast of a bike.
From the speed to the jumps, it’s no wonder motocross has gained popularity as a fun sport full of action. When you are first starting out riding, you will need a few pointers on cornering as this is often one of the harder aspects for new riders to master.
When it comes to taking fun to the extreme, few sports offer the adrenaline and speed of motocross dirt bike riding. This type of riding is a competitive endeavor where you can showcase your riding prowess over a course made to offer up plenty of challenges along the way.
Whether you are new to the wild and wonderful world of motocross or you’re no stranger to the sport, there is no denying the adventurous spirit that lurks in all of us. Even with all the fun and excitement that comes with dirt biking, there is some responsibility on your part.
Though you would rather be riding your dirt bike than washing it, a long weekend of riding at the track or on the trails can certainly put a damper on your dirt bike’s aesthetics. As with any kind of machinery, there is a right way and a wrong way of cleaning a dirt bike.